
Collaborative way of working – The Way Forward!

The phrase ‘teamwork makes the dream work’ has continued to be a dominant philosophy at workplaces. From the Wright Brothers’ aircraft to viral videos on the internet, some of the most amazing things we know are a result of interesting collaborations. Simply put, history showcases that a collaborative way of working, works and is the way forward for both brands and agencies to leverage greater success.

While the end goal continues to be the establishment of a wider, stronger, loyal market; the process is becoming more of camaraderie and less transactional. With strong collaborations between creators, brands and across internal teams, the horizon of creation and execution widens manifold, establishing long-lasting partnerships. The success to successful collaboration lies in strong communication. Earlier, one person led the entire creation in a meeting room. Today, the world has evolved and everyone is expected to bring something new to the table.

Here are 5 tips and tricks that help you collaborate successfully.



Harbour a community where people are encouraged to connect with each other, on a humanly level.



Communicate end goals to ensure everyone stays on the same page. It makes functioning more efficient and reduces diversion.



Add value and be the guide that manoeuvres a project towards success, while ensuring everyone’s thoughts can be freely expressed.



Celebrate the wins to keep the spirits high, especially the little victories. Because small wins lay ground for the big win.

Coca Cola advertisements find a permanent place in our memory. Since 2003, every time someone says “Thanda” you remember “Thanda Matlab Coca Cola”.

Perfetti Van Melle effortlessly mimicked Thomas Edison’s discovery for Happydent White with “sparkling white teeth” campaign. In a country that thrives on melodrama, this served break-time entertainment so well that none can forget.

It is human nature to be dependent on others. And creativity is but an expression. When we incorporate that to bring out the best, we are bound to build wonders. History is proof, isn’t it?

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