
Visibility, Awareness, Familiarity: The making of a brand

Brands sirf teen cheezon ki wajah se chalti hain – visibility, awareness aur familiarity.

At some point in our social life, I bet most of us have harboured fantasies of gaining attention and being popular. We have grown up to be categorised into various personalities such as being the underdog or the likable or the average, despite our unique sets of talents which could have been easily harnessed towards achieving our wish.

Similarly, brands are no different. When a brand enters the market, its sole aim is to drive the consumers into buying its products. In the rat race of increasing their sales, brands often tend to overlook innumerable factors that constitute the identity of a brand as a whole. That’s when they turn to Marketing to find solutions to optimize their results. If you have read up on the theoretical dispositions of Marketing, you may have come across the four P’s of Marketing – product, price, place and promotion. Interestingly, the first three factors are always prioritized by brands. However, it is the last one that matters the most when it comes to giving a boost to (eventually) your brand sales. 

The perception of the audiences of your brand determines its future. But the essential question is – what is the secret of a brand entering the audience’s subconscious mind? How do they take a decision of purchasing a brand? When does a product become a brand?

How to do branding is known by many people, but the effective implementation of the same is a challenge most of the times. There is one simple way to make a brand enter your audience’s subconscious mind – Brand Visibility. Investopedia defines Brand Visibility as the “extent to which consumers are familiar with the distinctive qualities or image of a particular brand of goods or services.” Keeping this very idea in mind, it is safe to say that the visibility is the marker that differentiates a brand from a mere organization selling its product.

Here are 4 key tricks to consider when it comes to increasing the visibility of your brand


To make your brand identity reach your TG, you need to create brand awareness for your product. For this to happen, it is extremely important to communicate. A brand needs to be vocal about their offerings in front of the audiences and has to use all means necessary to do so.


Communicate what connects with the target audience, not what you feel like. It’s only when you can create an emotional connect with the audience that you will be able to successfully gain their mindshare.


It’s equally important to be vocal at the right places. If your TG is technology savvy, online presence is a must. On the other hand, for some traditional companies, the solution may not be online. Be where your target audience is and manage your media spends accordingly.


When you communicate to the right TG at the right place at the right time, you start registering yourself in their sub-conscious mind. This not only puts you on top of their mindshare when it comes to a purchase but also sub-consciously helps them register every small little part of your communication such as structure, colour shades, tonality etc. This eventually helps you to own that space in the audience’s mind, even when you are not communicating with them.

A few studies show that the brands consumers recognize the most, are more likely to be included in their consideration sets while purchasing. Hence, it has become critical for a brand to invest in keeping their brands visible. With this approach, companies can develop an connect with their audience that will help in bringing their business to the top of the subconscious mind as long as you continue to remain relevant.

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